Tauro Manuel Torres and Mario Manuel Torres Tauro & Mike Diesel Zack

Some will get this quote and some will won't!
We have one winner Congratulations Brent
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12/19/20 New Video coming tomorrow. Introducing (no Name, still working on that,)
12/16/20 Video 028 Nick Harmon is featured this week as a request. It was removed years ago.
New: Bound Eagle1 is now playing as a featured movie 18 minutes long, 3 short videos. I am trying to get him under contract for more.

Huge sale of Tauro's leather clothes coming up for sale. (Leather pants, $350.00). (Gloves $20 )(Boots $200.00 )(leather coats $200.00 )(Leather jocks. $200).>

10/21/24 New Featured:.

10/21/24 New Feature look below.

Mike's new video 525 can be downloaded to own in (M2D).

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Ross Taylor
This is one hot smoking video with suits, leather, oral and anal play.
Plenty of oral and anal sex.
Zack is going to become a bodybuilding monster. Keep up with us and watch the change.